On April 25, 2022 Integrated Systems Solutions (ISS) signed our award for the Electronic Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Accelerated and Simplified Tasks (eFAST) Master Ordering Agreement. The eFAST program is the FAA preferred small business contracting vehicle for services. This vehicle allows long term procurements for a broad array of technical, professional, and support services in an expedited, efficient, and effective manner, to serve the requirements of the FAA. Service areas include:
- Major systems support;
- Technical, engineering, and scientific expertise, advice, analysis, studies, or reports;
- Professional services of an architectural or engineering nature;
- Advisory and assistance services to support or improve agency policy development, decision-making, management, and administration, or to support the operation of managerial or hardware systems;
- Professional, management, and administrative expertise, advice, analysis, studies, or reports.
The contract also offers FAA the ability to expand service areas if needed. eFAST is an ongoing contract, that will be active until 2029 and has a total ceiling of 7.4 billion dollars. To date (12 years into a 20 year contract) eFAST has spent 4.4 billion dollars of the 7.4 billion of available ceiling. ISS is proud to be selected as a contract holder and is excited to begin our career of work at the FAA.