Following last year’s US Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO) Information Technology Management Services BPA award, Integrated Systems Solutions (ISS) has won our first call order on the contract. We are proud to support PTO’s Office of Patent Information Management (OPIM) with business and information technology expertise to facilitate organizational change for the overall modernization of processes, tools, and technology, to communicate and stabilize the change across the organization. Work started at PTO OPIM on the 25th of April and will continue through April of 2026. Our information technology business liaison and governance, policy, and strategy specialists will support OPIM broadly across their key functions in PTO.
At PTO, OPIM plays a critical role in providing automation technologies, e-commerce products, information resources, and customer support to patent business area employees and global members of the Intellectual Property community. They are responsible for planning, guiding, and managing the Patent End-to-End program, a next-generation IT system that will replace numerous legacy systems and streamline the patent application and approval process. The organization updates established policy and procedures to implement the modernization of Patent systems and processes. OPIM implements organizational change in multiple areas of the organization to improve processes, skills, organizational structure, and communication to meet the evolving needs of internal and external stakeholders in response to the modernization of systems, tools, processes, skill gaps, and legislative mandates. As such, ISS will support OPIM with mission oriented business integrated services subject matter experts to advise and assist on matters related to business management support to ensure the seamless modernization of policy and tools at PTO.